Nah! (Though the weather is being stubborn!)
Detoxing in the Spring isn’t just about your body and your health, but where you live as well. This is one of the reasons people like to do Spring Cleaning – it gives you a fresh start on your home, with a clean slate, and organized life. Keep reading for some different ideas on cleaning and detoxing your home. Welcome in the Fresh Air The first way to help detox your home is by airing it out. It is still too chilly where I live to do this but I cannot wait to let some fresh air in my home. As soon as you get a good day open all of the windows to let in as much fresh air as you can. It will begin circulating throughout your home, helping it to be less stuffy, and feel clean and refreshed. This also improves the smell inside your home, especially if you have been using the heater all winter long. You may want to dust and clean up any pet hair before this happens or you may end up with little tornados of the two. Another way to get cleaner air in your home in the spring is to change or replace air filters in your HVAC system and mobile units. Some of them will have air filters you wash, while others are disposable and need to be replaced. This includes in your heating and air conditioning unit, and portable units like fans, portable air conditioners, and dehumidifiers. Bring in Fresh Flowers and Plants Spring is the perfect time to start bringing in the outdoors. They also serve multiple purposes: they will make it beautiful, really get you into the spring spirit, smell great, and can help clean the air in your home. Some good plants and flowers for spring include lilies, daffodils, bergenia, primrose, and viola. Though there are many different varieties if you check your local nursery. Declutter Your Home With spring cleaning happening this time of year, you might want to start by decluttering your home. This is going to make it much easier when you get to actually deep cleaning your home. Decluttering isn’t just cleaning up messes and putting things away, but deciding on items you might not want or need anymore. Go through each room of your home and decide what to keep, what to throw away, and what to donate or give away. This is almost a daily thing at our house, it is amazing what the kids bring in! Try Deep Cleaning Deep cleaning is the next logical step, where you go beyond just cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming floors, and dusting furniture. Deep cleaning often includes washing the baseboard and trim, washing curtains and blinds, washing windows, and cleaning rooms that don’t get much attention, like the basement or garage. I would like to talk about the products you are using too. As you are cleaning up your house try and leave out cleaners with chemicals and things that tox it up again. I was introduced to a company by my sister and I love their products, they actually really get me excited about cleaning and really that’s not my thing. I don’t mind cleaning but excited would never be a word I would use until now….weird I know. The company is called H2O and I am going to make a video to show off those wares but until then if you want more information get in touch with me at [email protected] or go here and check it out: You really need to see these products work to believe it, so keep your eyes open for the video J. Have a great day!!
2/26/2019 3 Comments Having a bad day? I have some suggestions to help you get through. When you have a bad day, you might find that you want to grab a drink or eat something unhealthy. Believe me, I have been there, my go to is red wine, but I can’t do that all the time. These are not healthy habits to have and goodness, what if you are having a bad year?? Things could get really bad. A better option is to work on your self care activities, which can make you feel better and will be good for you at the same time. Watch Something Funny
Don’t underestimate the power of laughing! If you are having a terrible day, find a way to watch TV or a movie that makes you laugh. Avoid action, drama, and other genres that might make you feel miserable by the end. Binge watch your favorite comedy on Netflix, look up your favorite comedian or turn on the TV to try something new. Laughing is extremely healing and can quickly change your mood even after the very worst of days. Laughter really can be the best medicine sometimes. Get Out and About Some people prefer staying inside and watching Netflix for self care, while others already spend a lot of time indoors. If this is you, then getting out to socialize and meet up with friends might be a better option. When you find yourself doing nothing but working and going home, you may simply need another outlet. Try meeting co-workers for drinks after work or calling up a sister or cousin to have a girl’s night out. Get a little bit out of your comfort zone and it can be very good for you. If you would like to forego the drinks, you can do an activity with friends, go for a walk, take a class together or just get together and a have a coffee. Have a Girl’s Night As mentioned briefly in the previous section, spending more time with your loved ones can be great for self care. Many people think being alone is the only way to take care of themselves and relieve stress, but sometimes the best thing for you is being around others. Think about your daily lifestyle and what tends to stress you out. You might find that you feel worse when you are constantly alone, but your mood seems to lift on happy hour night or when visiting your best friend. This is a good sign that what you really need is to get out and spend more time with others. Meditate For 10 Minutes I know, here I go again with the meditation…but seriously on a really bad day try to have at least a short meditation session. Even if you can’t find a few minutes where you are alone, you can think of other places you might be alone and able to meditate, like when you are going on a walk or run, or while taking a shower. If you need a minute now, like right now, find a room close the door and breath, deep belly breaths just for a few minutes. Sometimes that is all it takes to bring you back to a calm state. I have been known to tell my kids that mommy is on a timeout and lock myself in the bathroom for a few minutes. You need to take care of yourself so you can take better care of your people. These are things that I use to help me through the hard days, I hope you find them helpful! Any of your own suggestions? Comment below! Have a great day! 2/20/2019 0 Comments A lovely way to detox!People come in contact with an endless amount of impurities, toxins, poisons, pollutants, and other agents everyday. These chemicals land on our skin, absorb into the fabrics we wear, and are breathed into our lungs. As inevitable as this may seem, there are a few ways that we can reduce the exposure to these environmental impurities, and one of the best and most enjoyable ways, is through taking a detox bath. This is also a great way to give yourself a chance to relax! So, “What are the benefits of taking a detox bath?” you ask, well let me tell you all about it! First things first...
The most important part of doing a detox bath, is that you have to be hydrated. My rule of thumb is to drink half your weight in ounces of water (example: 120lbs=60 oz of H2O). This will make it possible for you to be able to reap all of the benefits of the bath, and be sure that your systems are hydrated enough to be influenced by the heat of the water. Next, select your water additives. You can always add Epsom salt, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, any essential oils you love or anything else that may have benefits you are looking far. Stress Relief Bathing for cleanliness and releasing toxins is only a small portion of the health benefits from this ancient innovation and pastime. For thousands of years, mankind has known that one of the most relaxing and soothing experiences that can be had is that of taking a warm, or hot bath. Heat loosens muscle tissues that have been clenched by stress. This is a very helpful benefit as many people subconsciously carry stress in shoulders, backs, legs, and neck muscles. Eliminate Toxins In daily modern life, the most common position for people is sitting. This means that toxins and other wastes can easily build up in the body causing blockages and other unpleasant ailments. In order to have a healthy body, it is important to work on clearing out your lymph system. A good way to do this is to sweat through exercise or, this can be accomplished through heating the body with a hot bath, thus making it easier for the lymph system to flow more freely. Reduce Inflammation Due to the acidic content of modern foods, swelling or inflammation in adults has reached epidemic levels. A long soak in warm or hot water can provide some relief by greatly reducing inflammation in joints and other tissues. A gentle, but firm rub while submerged can go a long way to improving circulation and arterial health. My favorite recipe for a nice hot soak is: 1 cup Epsom Salt !/2 cup of Baking soda 3-4 drops of Lavender essential oil I would love to hear what you use if you already have this as a weekly treat! Thanks for reading, XOXO 2/13/2019 1 Comment For the Month of Love.....This is the month to remember those you love (hopefully this happens a bit more often than just Valentine's day) but don't forget about filling yourself up so you are able to give even more! Now, not all self-care activities involve going for a walk or meditating. There are also quite a few creative activities that will channel your inner artist or writer, and still provide excellent self care benefits. These are things you can do throughout your day to re-center and remember to breath. Here are some creative and artistic activities to help you practice self care. Coloring Books
Adult coloring books have been popular for a while, and they are definitely not going anywhere. There are now many different types of coloring books, depending on what you are interested in. You can get gardens and flowers, animals and creatures, or even coloring books with curse words to have a little fun with them. This allows you to be creative and de-stress by simply coloring and not having to worry about anything. I do coloring pages with my daughter and it really does wonders for my mood. Drawing or Painting Here is another super easy way to be creative and artistic, but also practice self care. Self care doesn’t have any hard or fast rules. It is simply about doing activities that makes you feel good about yourself and can distract you from what is causing you stress and help you spend more time focusing on yourself. You want to make sure all your time is not spent working, cleaning, or taking care of your kids. You should also have some hobbies and activities you truly enjoy just for yourself. Grab a sketchbook and some art tools to draw, sketch, or paint as you wish. Keep your perfectionist away from this time of self care! This is about having fun, it is definitely a non judgement zone. To make this simple I like to get one of my drawing books to give me an idea of what to draw so I don’t even have to really think about that part of it. A New Craft or Hobby What better way to express your creative side than to learn something brand new? This is the perfect opportunity to get out there and try a new craft or form of art. You don’t have to be naturally artistic to be creative and enjoy any type of creative activity. I love taking a class to learn something new! There are many community centers that have classes and also there are instructional videos on You tube. Doing the activity isn’t the only way to taking better care of yourself, but also in learning how to do it. Think of some hobbies you always wondered about, like oil painting, making jewelry or metal stamping, or giving sewing or knitting a try. Writing Not all forms of being creative for self care have to do with art and crafts projects. You can also start writing, which can be very therapeutic for you. This can be anything from writing in a journal to writing short stories or working on a novel. One good practice to start writing is to set a timer for 8-10 minutes, then just start writing whatever comes to mind. Continue writing without taking a break until the timer goes off. There are also books available that give a subject or a theme if you want a little help. I will post a link below. Have a great rest of your week! XOXO, Jules 2/6/2019 2 Comments Start Your Day Right! I have done several blogs and posts on the importance of having a morning routine. I always come back to this because we are always so busy I believe it is really important to take time for yourself. If you are like me, if you don’t take time in the morning, you won’t get any at all. So I am here to remind you that if you want to take some time for yourself and practice self care, it helps to start by working on your morning routine. If you are just hopping out of bed, grabbing breakfast, and running out the door, you are probably already stressed by the time you get into your car. Here are a few tips to create a better morning routine. Catch up on a Good Book
If you can set your alarm for an earlier time, it gives you the chance to catch up on your reading. Find a book that is inspirational and helps motivate you for the day. Read just a few pages or a whole chapter, depending on how much free time you have. This can be while you are having your morning coffee, or when your muffins are in the oven. Take advantage of these quiet moments and become absorbed in your favorite book. I love devotionals for this or books with quotations. I leave time for this but not a lot so I like something short and sweet that positively sets my outlook for the day. A Little QT With Some Caffein Whether you drink coffee or tea in the morning, you can make this part of your self care ritual. Try to have your first cup of coffee in the morning all alone and in silence. You can read a paper, write in your journal, or sit on your patio and listen to the birds chirping as the sun comes up. This is another great reason to wake up a little earlier than everyone else in your household. You will be amazed by how much better you feel with just a few minutes to yourself. I do this a little differently, and I feel this is important to note, you need to find what will work for you! After I get downstairs I make my tea, breakfast and lunch at the same time. While I am doing this I usually listen to a book on audible. I have my quiet time in my car in the parking lot at work while I eat my breakfast and drink my tea. I do this because if I leave early enough I don’t hit traffic, and then I am completely relaxed while I eat. No stress about leaving on time or possibly getting to work late. I am sharing this because morning routines can look very different for everyone. Unplug When you are trying to start a new morning routine for self care purposes, you should try unplugging all devices. Don’t try to enjoy a few minutes to yourself by using your cell phone or checking email. At the very least do not check or go on social media first thing. Checking social media too much can add stress and this is what we are working against. I use my phone for audible but possibly for you it would be a good idea to turn all electronics off during your self care time in the morning and not turn it on until you absolutely need it. If you choose to do this, a good practice to try is to turn your cell phone off after the alarm goes off to wake you up in the morning. This one can be hard as I use my phone to check the time but if you have other clocks this is a great option. Meditate The morning is also the ideal time to meditate and repeat mantras. Mantras are sayings or words that help to center your focus and make it easier to meditate. You can also try breathing exercises or traditional meditation. Even just five minutes of this can be extremely helpful in facing your day. If you want to and have time to, take a walk in the morning and that can also help you to meditate. For those of you who find exercising in the morning works best for you, yoga is a great option here. Setting up your morning routine should be fun! Maybe at first it will be hard to wake up a little earlier but the pay off is amazing. It can definitely change your mood and for the better. It is just an example of what small simple shifts in life can do for you and your family! Have a great day! Your immune system needs certain things to run properly and help your body stay healthy. Though you do need to make sure you are hydrated, calm, and keeping that gut healthy, you also need as much assistance as in natural support to make healing as simple as possible for your immune system. One way you can do this is by using herbs that support your immune system. Here are a few of my favorites! Elderberry
Elderberry is a plant, but considered to be an herbal remedy by many sources. The berry from the elderberry tree can be dehydrated and added to teas, used in a tea directly, or can be mixed with other herbs to help fight colds and flu symptoms. In addition to the normal assistance the elderberry gives to help reduce sore throats and cold symptoms, it also has heavy anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation throughout the body. This can help reduce aches and pains in your system as well, which leads to better sleep and fatigue relief. Andrographis Andrographis is an herb that is indigenous to India. This herb is known as a natural antibiotic and used by millions around the world as an alternative to over the counter or prescribed options. It can help with the immune system and help to combat fevers and sore throats. It can also help with minor infections in the body like tooth infections and ear infections. This herb should only be taken short term (up to 3 months according to WebMD) though, so take only when you need it. Ginger Ginger is a root herb that is used for sore throats and stomach issues. You can use ginger in several ways including in teas, as a powder form, and in juices and smoothies. It does have a spice effect to it that gives a heat. For a fully boosting effective option, mix the ginger with fresh squeezed orange juice to give a strong boost and toxin fighting option for your cold or flu and to boost your immune system reaction. Honeysuckle Honeysuckle is a plant that grows in most areas during the early spring and summer months. Honeysuckle flowers can be used to help boost the immune system and aid in fighting against migraines, sinus issues, and sinus relief. It can easily be dehydrated and used in teas throughout the year. In fact, most people who use honeysuckle tend to harvest it in large quantities and then dehydrate it for use later on since it only grows for a short time. Though you can get these herbs in pill or capsule form, the best option is to go with something natural. If you can, go with a whole herb that is either fresh or grown in your own home, as this will give you the most benefit from the herbs for your system. This Site is an excellent source for amazing herbs if you are having a hard time finding things locally: Organic Tea site: Stay healthy! XOXO, Jules Most people are aware of the types of things that we need to do in daily life to remain healthy. Eating right, exercise, sleeping regularly, and having proper elimination are just a few of the activities that come to mind, but what if there was another important level that very few think about? That’s right, I am talking about yet another daily habit that can do wonders for you!! There is a tiny yet expansive world inside of each of us, populated by bacteria that have a powerful impact on human health, vitality, and longevity. These tiny organisms help us to live by making processes inside our bodies possible, and to simplify these amazing beasties, they are often divided into two main groups. Lactobacillus
These bacteria are generally helpful because they are responsible for many of the processing functions. When children are born, they receive them from their mother as long as they have had a vaginal birth. Some of these bacteria such as Lactobacillus Acidophilus, are related to breaking down sugars into lactic acid and breaking down momma’s milk. Lactic acid is one substance made in the body that is helpful in the fight against harmful strains of bacteria. There is also evidence that suggests that there are a few disorders that can be caused by a lack of these bacterial populations. Modern advances have brought us the marvelous advancements in medicine with antibiotics, but studies have shown that antibiotics tend to have a harmful effect on the good or helpful populations of gut flora, so it might be necessary to supplement the bacteria by ingesting alternate sources of Lactobacillus. What can you do to combat these losses? Many of these helpful strains can be found in foods such as yogurt, kefir and other fermented food types. There are also a number of pill based probiotic solutions available. Bifido-bacterium Scientists now believe that over 3/4 of our immune system is kept in our intestinal tract, with over 500 species of bacteria in the mix. With such a large population of bacteria living in us, it should be of little surprise that we depend on them so heavily for the various functions they serve on a daily basis. Many Bifido bacteria reside within the colon and large intestine. These bacteria play a heavy role in controlling elimination, aiding in digestion, and even have the ability to repair damage from carcinogenic sources in the body. If you feel you are out of balance (not pooping as often as you should or too much are signs), you can also add these to your diet through similar sources as mentioned above. A good thing to remember is everyone is different, so it may take you trying a couple of different kinds to find one that works for you. Also changing your probiotic every few months can help your gut feel more balanced. What I mean by that is to find a few different probiotics that work for you and switch between them every few months. My next challenge is going to be a probiotic challenge! If you want to know more about probiotics you should sign up! Interested?? Join my FREE group here! XOXO, Jules You may be considering changing your lifestyle so you can live a more energy filled, sickness-free and healthy life. If you follow me or are in my group I am constantly talking about daily habits. The difference you can make in your whole life by making small and simple changes every day would amaze you! The trick is to attach these small changes, these new habits that you are forming to things you already do. One of the other issues may be that you know that changing your diet and exercise routine are part of changing your lifestyle but after that you may be draw a blank. Well I am here to make some suggestions of some daily healthy habits you can start doing to keep you full of energy and illness-free. Be Still and Breath
You may think that meditation sounds odd for a daily habit that reduces illness. The truth is, meditation can have a direct connection to your overall health. Meditation, which can be done in many forms, helps your body to slow down. It helps you to focus on root issues and find ways to handle those issues so they don't get out of hand. This is a stress reliever or can be one if you make time for it to your life. Meditation allows you to calm down from daily issues such as problems with your children, work, or just things that are upsetting you. It is a time to breath, reflect and to focus on your overall emotional health. Do not forget that stress can be a killer and finding a way to acknowledge the stressors in your life and having tools to deal with it when it comes up can make such a difference in the way you feel. If you do not have the tools to deal with these emotional and mental issues, you cause your body to become tense and stressed. This tension and stress can increase your blood pressure, cause headaches, and lead to your immune system breaking down. Simple daily meditation habits can help reduce the stress, increase energy and bonus, it can increase the chances of an illness-free lifestyle. Write it Down You may hear the word journaling and immediately cringe. It does bring to mind to the idea of daily journal entries that can be tedious. The truth is, you can journal in a number of fashions, including video journaling. The reason journaling works to help keep illness at bay is because of what journaling is supposed to do. It has a direct connection to stress levels and can reveal stress inducing instances and people to you that you may not think of as an issue. For example, if you are feeling anxiety and you have worked through the normal checklist of suspects, journaling can help you narrow down the others. By working through a journaling process daily, you will find yourself able to rant, able to release stress, and able to figure out what may be causing undue stress so you can remove it. The reduced stress means a calmer body and mind, which means your body works at a more efficient level and your immune system is healthy and able to fight off illness. If you find you work better with a journaling guide to get you started, one of my favorite tools is a book called “The Artists Way” by Julia Cameron. I have used the journaling process that I learned in this book through several different hard experiences and it has helped me clarify the issues and get to resolutions that were best for me. Seriously this book has been a life changer for me. There are other journals that give you prompts as to what to write about, to draw something or that have coloring pages integrated into them. A journal that I have seen that does this is “Wreck this Journal” by Keri Smith. Another option is just buying a beautiful journal and simply writing about your day because I do understand some people do not like to draw. One of my favorite journaling prompts that can change your mood is a gratitude journal. This can help you see the positives that are happening in your life and help you focus on them. H20 I know, I know, here I go again about drinking your water! But seriously, you may have a great meditation practice, journaling habit, workout routine, and diet routine. You may think that you have it all figured out, but if you are still getting sick, you may be missing the biggest link to reducing that illness. If your hydration is off, you could be causing stress within your body and organ system. There is that word again! Stress! Your body needs water to work properly, and no, juicing does not cover it. If you have everything else covered and you are still getting ill, try to increase your water intake. You can do this with several methods, including gallon jug marking and apps that are designed to remind you to drink water. My rule of thumb is half your body weight in ounces of water i.e. if you weigh 120 lbs it is good to try and have 60 ozs of H2O daily. I know these seem overly simple but by applying these habits to your daily routine, you will start to notice that your immune system seems to be stronger and you seem to get sick at a reduced rate. Keep in mind that a lot of the healthy habits you take on have nothing to do with eating or supplements and more to do with keeping your mind and emotions as healthy as everything else. This is why I like the Holistic perspective in health. Whole life, whole body, whole health! If you want to conquer new daily habits on a monthly basis come over and join me here. XOXO, Jules 12/11/2018 1 Comment For the Love of Kale!4 Types of Kale Salad
If you are looking to use more superfoods during the winter season, then leafy greens like kale is a great choice. Kale grows well in the winter and is easy to find at any grocery store. It is a superfood with tons of vitamins and minerals, and is great for many diets, from clean eating to Paleo or Keto. I do understand some people do not enjoy kale because it is tough and can be bitter. Have you ever heard of massaging your kale? This trick does wonders and may change your mind about this nutritious leaf. Take lemon juice, Himalayan sea salt, a little olive oil and then massage it until it starts to soften and wilt (should take about 2-3 minutes). this winter. Chopped Kale Superfoods Salad This first salad is a great choice when you are feeling really hungry but still want to have a salad. It is very filling plus you get your sweets in with your greens. This is a good trick that helps me not crave a sweet treat after I just finished eating such goodness. Since it has quinoa, it is a heartier salad that really fills you up. It is also ideal if you follow a clean eating diet. You are going to chop the kale since this is a chopped salad, then add rinsed uncooked or cooked (cooled) quinoa for a nice crunch. You can add any superfood toppings you want, though berries like cranberries and pomegranate seeds work great. For more crunch and some good fat, add some crushed walnuts as well. Kale and Veggies Salad Another great option for a winter kale salad is one that uses even more veggies. You can also add some berries to this salad, but it is going to be primarily for all the veggies you want to use. This can be a good main course, but it works good as a light lunch or a side dish as well. This salad uses fresh kale, along with some brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower, all of which are available throughout the fall and winter seasons. If you want to add a little fat to the salad, you can add some nuts. From there you can leave it as-is or make a simple dressing with olive oil, red wine vinegar, honey, and some lemon juice. Or if you want to get more fancy here is a dressing recipe to try: Raw Apple Cider and Carrot Serves 2-3 ½ cup carrots, chopped 1 tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 small garlic clove salt and pepper to taste PREPARE THE DRESSING. Add carrots, raw apple cider vinegar, olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper to a blender. Blend until smooth Kale Sweet Potato Salad If you want to add more vegetable superfoods during the winter, consider vegetables like sweet potatoes and butternut squash. These begin showing up in grocery stores in the fall, and are often available throughout the winter as well. You can use either vegetable for this salad, or add some of both. Dice them into cubes, then add to your bed of kale, along with some olive oil, salt, and pepper. You can also make a dressing with lemon juice if you want a little kick to the simple kale salad. Kale and Apple Salad Kale also happens to taste great when combined with sweet fruits. This kale and apple salad is perfect when you want to combine fall and winter flavors. Use your chopped kale, along with some sliced sweet apples, cranberries or pomegranate seeds, and some chopped walnuts and goat cheese on top. If you try any of these ideas let me know what you think! Also keep your eyes open for the Skinny Black Dress Challenge coming up soon! 12/5/2018 1 Comment What's GOOD About Butternut Squash?So Much!! When you want to eat a little healthier during the cold, winter months, you often turn to warm and hearty vegetables. One of the best ones you can get this time of year is butternut squash. This is truly in season in the fall but is also great to have during the winter. Here are some reasons to have more butternut squash. Amazing Nutrients
The first health benefit of butternut squash is the fact that it is a very nutrient-dense vegetable. This is why it often tops superfoods lists, as it is low in fat and calories, but amazing when you want something with a lot of vitamins and minerals. Even though it is higher in carbs, butternut squash is often used for ‘carb up’ days for diets like Keto. Here is the long list of nutrients you get with butternut squash:
It is Truly Good for Your Bones Now for the individual health benefits. The first benefit is the fact that it can help with your bones and joints. This is due to many of the vitamins and minerals in the squash, including whole food vitamin C and manganese, both of which help you to absorb more minerals and help with strengthening your bone structure. This is important at any age, but especially when you start getting older, as your bones and joints tend to struggle. With more butternut squash in your diet, you are helping to prevent against conditions like osteoporosis. Reducing Your Blood Pressure The problem with high blood pressure, also called hypertension, is that it goes unnoticed until something serious happens. When you have high blood pressure, you are at a much higher risk for heart attack, heart disease, and stroke. But there are very few symptoms of having it or if you do have symptoms they can be easily explained away or blamed on another issue you may be having. To reduce your blood pressure naturally and reduce your risk of these diseases, eat healthy foods that are full of fiber like butternut squash. Squash is easy to add to your meals in the winter, and has so many benefits for your heart health. I would just like to add that because of the fiber it is good for your gut health as well. You knew I had to throw something in there about the gut. :) Gives Your Immune System a Boost During the winter, you are at risk for illnesses and viruses like the cold and flu, not to mention more serious illnesses like pneumonia. To reduce your risk for such illnesses, you need to boost your immune system. This allows your body to fight off the infections and viruses. Butternut squash contains nutrients like vitamin C and beta carotene that are wonderful for boosting your immune health and hopefully keeping you healthy all winter long. |
MeI am a wife and a mother of two, one boy one girl . They are the loves of my life! And also the reason I do what I do. I have to be able to keep up! Archives
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