2/26/2019 3 Comments Having a bad day? I have some suggestions to help you get through. When you have a bad day, you might find that you want to grab a drink or eat something unhealthy. Believe me, I have been there, my go to is red wine, but I can’t do that all the time. These are not healthy habits to have and goodness, what if you are having a bad year?? Things could get really bad. A better option is to work on your self care activities, which can make you feel better and will be good for you at the same time. Watch Something Funny
Don’t underestimate the power of laughing! If you are having a terrible day, find a way to watch TV or a movie that makes you laugh. Avoid action, drama, and other genres that might make you feel miserable by the end. Binge watch your favorite comedy on Netflix, look up your favorite comedian or turn on the TV to try something new. Laughing is extremely healing and can quickly change your mood even after the very worst of days. Laughter really can be the best medicine sometimes. Get Out and About Some people prefer staying inside and watching Netflix for self care, while others already spend a lot of time indoors. If this is you, then getting out to socialize and meet up with friends might be a better option. When you find yourself doing nothing but working and going home, you may simply need another outlet. Try meeting co-workers for drinks after work or calling up a sister or cousin to have a girl’s night out. Get a little bit out of your comfort zone and it can be very good for you. If you would like to forego the drinks, you can do an activity with friends, go for a walk, take a class together or just get together and a have a coffee. Have a Girl’s Night As mentioned briefly in the previous section, spending more time with your loved ones can be great for self care. Many people think being alone is the only way to take care of themselves and relieve stress, but sometimes the best thing for you is being around others. Think about your daily lifestyle and what tends to stress you out. You might find that you feel worse when you are constantly alone, but your mood seems to lift on happy hour night or when visiting your best friend. This is a good sign that what you really need is to get out and spend more time with others. Meditate For 10 Minutes I know, here I go again with the meditation…but seriously on a really bad day try to have at least a short meditation session. Even if you can’t find a few minutes where you are alone, you can think of other places you might be alone and able to meditate, like when you are going on a walk or run, or while taking a shower. If you need a minute now, like right now, find a room close the door and breath, deep belly breaths just for a few minutes. Sometimes that is all it takes to bring you back to a calm state. I have been known to tell my kids that mommy is on a timeout and lock myself in the bathroom for a few minutes. You need to take care of yourself so you can take better care of your people. These are things that I use to help me through the hard days, I hope you find them helpful! Any of your own suggestions? Comment below! Have a great day!
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